Result and Supplemental
Exam Results:
Exam booklets are the property of CGA-PAKISTAN® and will not be returned to students. All written exams are the property of CGA-PAKISTAN® and are under the exclusive custody and control of CGA-PAKISTAN®. CGA-PAKISTAN® has the exclusive authority over exam materials to determine the contents, use, retention, disposition and disclosure of this material.
Candidates do not have direct access to any exam once they are written and will not, at any time, have access to the exam questions, marking keys or any other marking materials for a non-disclosed exam.
Students will not receive their exam results unless all outstanding fees to CGA-PAKISTAN® are paid.
CGA-PAKISTAN® releases examination results online, not over the telephone.
Professional Level Module Exam Results:
The Professional Module Level is fully compensatory, which means that the decision about a pass or fail is based on the evaluation of the student’s performance across all competencies within the exam. A large portion of the exam consists of responding to case questions which are designed to test the student’s ability to integrate and express ideas. In the student’s responses, markers look for evidence that students can:
- Respond directly to the question that is asked.
- Identify the issues and relevant data.
- Apply technical and professional knowledge to the situation.
- Develop a well-written, logical, consistent response.
Professional level module exam marks will be reported as Honours (H), Pass (P), Fail (F), or Supplemental (S).
Students must achieve a mark of H or P to pass an exam. Students that receive a mark of F or S, will receive a competency performance report about three to four weeks after exam results are released. The report will provide a summary of the competency groups addressed within the exam and how the student performed within the competency areas. Students that receive an S are eligible for a rewrite in the next offering.
Supplemental Exam Information:
If the student does not pass or receive a grade of 50% on a course (does not apply to challenge ), they are entitled to write a supplemental exam in the next available exam offering:
- If a student is writing a supplemental exam they are not required to submit weekly course assignments.
- However, supplemental exams are worth 100 per cent of a student’s final grade.
- Students have the right to waive a supplemental exam and re-enroll in the course. The supplemental exam will be cancelled if a student re-enrolls in the course.
- Students who qualify for a supplemental exam will be able to register for the exam online by the supplemental registration deadline indicated on their supplemental email notice.
- Students can write a supplemental exam in the next course offering. Once the session expires, so does the supplemental exam privilege.
- A supplemental exam should be written the next time the exam is offered. Students will have the option to defer their supplemental exam once to the next available offering, provided that they register for their supplemental exam by the registration deadline indicated on their supplemental email notice.*